Boyolali - Business Oportunities






In the process of development anticipating the construction of toll roads connecting Yogya – Solo and Semarang passing through this region and the construction of Adisumarmo International Airport, The Boyolali Regional Administration is preparing some measures to comply with.

It is decisive to protect and maintain its traditional products moreover it is wishing to develop them accordingly.

Some of the traditional products are from agriculture and animal husbandry. The fresh cow milk remains as a prime product.

Other products among other are :

  1. Souvenir from Copper in the village of Tumang sub-district of Cepogo.
  2. Children Toys from the village of Pusporenggo sub-district Musuk and the village of Mojosongo.
  3. Foodstuff for local consumption from the village of Ampel and Pulisen.
  4. Textile from the factory in Banyudono for domestic market and export.
  5. Kenanga Oil from Banyudono for local and foreign market.
The Boyolali Administration would like to invite investors to take part in the economic development in this regency.

The sector which could be developed are :

  1. Tourism
  2. Industry
    • Considering the facts of the abundance product of fresh milk it could be develop into the manufacturing of canned dairy products.
    • Light Industry such as handicraft, souvenir and foodstuff.
    • Textile Industries
  3. The mining of bentonite, limestone, clay.
The Office of the Regional Government of Boyolali (Pemda Kabupaten Dati II Boyolali) is at

Jl. Merbabu no 48
phone no. 0276 – 21021, 21162, 21164