
Prohibited Goods
Good are prohibited being imported /exported to/from the territory of Indonesia without the approval of the respective authorities.
Narcotics, including :
- Opium (Papaper Somniferum)
- Coca (Erythoxylon) including the plant and its processed product.
- Ganja (Cannabis Satiya) including the plant and its processed product.
- Crystals and its derivatives of morphine and cocaine.
- Substitutes of narcotics (natural /synthetic)
- Mixture of the above mentioned substances.
- Import/export, possession, usage and distribution without the approval of the respective authorities are strictly prohibited.
Explosive Materials, including :
- All type of ammunition, incendiary, bombs, mines, hand-grenades.
- All explosive goods.
- Explosive materials used for other explosive goods.
- Importing explosive s for military purposes such as TNT, Nitro Glycerine, The approval of the Department of Defense and Security c.q. Bapenab Hankam should be obtained.
- Importing explosive for the industrial purposes such as Ammonium Nitrate, Dynamite shall be carried out by PT. Dahana and it should obtained the approval of the police of the Republic of Indonesia.
Fire-Arms and Ammunition, including among other things :
- Parts of fire-arms
- Cannons/flame-throwers parts thereof.
- Air gun, spring gun, gas-operated gun.
- Imitation of firearms, light signal/alarm pistols, start pistols, anaesthetic pistols and the like, including part thereof.
- All kinds or weapon filling (ammunition/bullets).
- Bullet shells (mantel kogels)
- Projectiles used for spreading dangerous gases.
- Importing all sizes and types, the approval of the Police of Republic of Indonesia should be obtained.
Fireworks, including :
- All types and sizes.
- Happy crackers (a kind of easily explosive fireworks)
- Importing all kinds and sizes of fireworks is strictly prohibited.
Various kind of books, printed materials, including :
- Books, magazines and all types of paper printed materials, in Indonesian language/dialects.
- Books, magazines, leaflets, brochures, newspapers written in Chinese letters/character and in the Chinese language.
- Paper printed materials for cigarette packaging and medicine labels either in the Indonesian or in a foreign language.
- Importing books and materials in Chinese language for scientific purposes, the approval of the office of the Attorney General and of the Department of trade should be obtained.
- Importing of books and printed materials specified under number 5.1 and 5.3 may be approved in the following cases :
- Diplomatic facility (Government Regulation, No. 8 1957).
- For education and teaching purposes, including materials using Braille letters (upon the recommendation of the Department of Education and Culture).
- Medicine labels and cigarette packages attached to such goods.
Gramophone-records, cassettes, video cassettes, films.
- Importing of the above goods should through the inspection of the office of the Attorney General and or the films censor Board except in the case of TVRI (Television of Republic of Indonesia) for its broadcasting requirements and the Diplomatic corps and International Institutions.
Transceiver equipment, cordless telephone or telecommunication equipment.
- Importing of the above equipment, the approval of the Department of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication should be obtained.
Color photocopy machine and parts thereof.
- Importing the above, the approval of BOTASUPAL (Coordination Board for Fight Against Money Forgery) should be obtained.
Certain plant species, such as :
- Quinine (Linchan Species)
- Natural Orchid Dendrobium, Vanda and other species of orchids
- Agave Sp
- Musa Textilles Mees
- Ranwoefia Sp
- Rafflesia Sp
- Importing/exporting the above, the approval of the Department of agriculture should be obtained.
Plants and Plant Seedlings
- Importing the above, the approval of the Department of Agriculture should be obtained and it should go through plant quarantine inspection.
Certain protected animal species, including parts or products thereof, among others :
- Rhinoceros
- Orang Outang
- Bubulcus/Egretta
- Tapir
- Paradise bird (Paradise minor/raggiana)
- Buffalo
- Deer
- Chevrotin (Tragulus pygmaeus)
- Mother of pearl, Troka, Roa and others.
- Exporting the above, the approval of the Department of Agriculture should be obtained.
Certain dangerous fish and species, among others :
- Piranha (Serrasalmus Sp)
- Vampire Catfish (Vandelis Sp)
- Aligator Gar (Lepisostous Sp)
- Sirulus Slane
- Esex Masouniongy
- Electric Cal (Electrophorus Electicus)
- Tetrodaoden
- Importing of the above is prohibited except for special purposes, such as for zoological gardens for scientific purposes, the approval of the Department of Agriculture cq. Directorate General of Fisheries should be obtained.
Several fish species, among others :
- Sidat Breed (Aquila Sp) below the diameter of 5mm in size
- Fresh water fancy fish of Botia Species, above 15 mm in size (mother fish)
- Fresh water or river shrimps (udang galah) below 8 cm in size.
- Panacidae shrimps (windu)
- Bandebg (chanos-chanos) fish breed (Nener) in all sizes
- Exporting of above is prohibited, except for scientific purposes and for the promotion agricultural products, the approved of the Department of Agriculture cg. Directorate General of Fishery should be obtained.
Medicines, including :
- Traditional ready made Chinese medicines, in the form of pills, capsules, powder, liquid and other ready to use forms.
Ready made medicines produced abroad, including Chinese traditional medicines 'unregistered' at the Directorate General for Inspection of Medicines and Food (POM).
- Importing ready-made medicines for traditional medicines for personal used or for trade, the approval of the Directorate General for the Inspection of Medicines and Food should be obtained.
- Passengers of ships/aeroplanes may import ready-made medicines or traditional medicines in small quantities for personal use as long as it can be proved by a doctor's prescription.
Food and beverage unregistered at the Department of Health except in reasonable quantities carried by passengers of ships/aeroplanes for used during the trip.
Solar Eclipse Glasses.
- Importing of the above for observation purposes should obtained the approval of the Minister of Health.
Dangerous goods, such as : easily explosive/ flammable, combustible chemicals, poisons, corrosives, oxidators, radio-active matters.
- Importing the above, the approval, the approval of the Department of Health or in the instance of radio-active matters, the approval of the national Automatic Energy Board (BATAN) and approval of the Department of Trade should be obtained.
- Importing radio-active matters as passengers personal effects is prohibited.
- Penta Chloro Phenol and its salts
- 18.2 DDT (Dikloro Difenil Trikloroetana)
- Importing of the above, the approval of the Department of Agriculture should be obtained.
Product of certain goods, among other things:
- Rubber lumps, slabs scraps, unsmoked sheet, blanket sheet, smoked sheet of certain quality.
- Hides and raw (unprocessed) skin of cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, horse, snake and others.
- Rattan and rattan core.
- Exporting of the above, the approval of the Department of trade should be obtained.
Waste, steel, copper and brass scraps.
- Importing and exporting of the above, the approval of the Department of Trade should be obtained.
Goods of culture value.
- Exporting of the above should be approved by the Directorate General of Culture cq. Department of Education and Culture and by the Department of Trade.
Removal Goods
What is meant by 'removal Goods'?
- Removal goods are household inventories such as furniture, kitchen utensils, books, piano, organ and other music instruments, television, radio/sound system, computer (PC), air-condition, etc, normally owned by a household brought along by owner in connection with his moving to Indonesia.
- Import of such goods can be exempted from customs duties and other import duties and taxes as far as it conforms to the provision stipulated.
Who are entitled to obtain customs duties and other import duties and taxes for removal goods exemption facilities?
- Diplomatic corps, state officials, government officials military officers who are returning to Indonesia after completion of assignment abroad.
- Indonesian nationality on work assignment abroad and returning to Indonesia.
- State officials, government officials/military officers returning to Indonesia after completion of training abroad.
- Foreigner posted to Indonesia
- House domestic working at Indonesia Embassy abroad based on contract agreement with the Department of Foreign Affairs who are returning to Indonesia.
What are the condition required to obtain removal good facilities?
- Family returning to Indonesia due to termination/end of assignment abroad.
- Non-prohibited goods as defined by the Indonesian Government.
(Please refer to sub-title regarding Prohibited goods).
- Movement should be proven by a certificate from the authorized institution and that the duration of stay abroad conforms to the provisions stipulated.
Thus :
- The transfer of diplomatic corps, state officials, government officials/military officers require a letter of transfer from the respective department.
- The transfer of state officials, government officials/military officers who due to training abroad require certificate of training assignment abroad and letter of completion of training assignment is two consecutive years.
- The transfer of other Indonesian nationality (student/Indonesian labor/ship crew) should be proved with the certificate signed/legalized by the local Indonesian Embassy. Minimum duration of stay abroad is 3 consecutive years.
- Foreigners assignment to Indonesia require stay permit from the immigration and work permit from the Department of Manpower of a minimum stay of one year.
- House domestic working of Indonesian Embassy should prove by contract from the Department Of Foreign Affairs.
Notice !
- The above facility is not applicable for Diplomatic corps, state officials, government officials/military officers who are still working abroad on vacation to Indonesia.
- The above facility is not applicable for student/Indonesian labor/and other Indonesian nationality living abroad for less then 3 years.
Temporary Admission
(article 23 Customs Law)
What is meant by 'Temporary Admission' (import based on article 23 customs law)?
- Goods imported which will be re-exported after use in Indonesia Territory.
What is the advantage of 'Temporary Admission' facilities?
A the time of importation to Indonesian Territory, goods are exempted from customs duties and other import duties and taxes.
What type of goods can obtain 'Temporary Admission' facilities?
- Goods imported for exhibition, which will be re-exported after the completion of exhibition.
Example : Goods for exhibition at Jakarta Fair.
- Imported goods, which will be reexported.
Example :
- Cars/vehicles brought by foreign tourist.
- Goods required supporting the execution of a project.
- Goods brought by foreign experts in relation to his profession.
What are the conditions required obtaining 'Temporary Admission' facilities?
- Goods imported should be non-consumable
- Apply request to the :
- Chief Inspection Office of customs and Excise for imported goods, which will be carried out re-exported within 30 days or less.
- Director General of Customs and Excise for imported of goods, which will be re-exported within more than 30 days.
1 and 2 by attaching :
- List of imported goods.
- Recommendation from the Department of Trade.
How to settle customs formalities?
- Apply for PIUD (entry form) to the Inspection Office of Customs and Excise at the seaport or airport concerned where the import of goods is carried out by attaching the approval for Temporary Admission granted by authorized official (Directorate of Customs and Excise or Chief Inspection Office) and provide bank guarantee equivalent to the amount of customs duties and other import duties and taxes.
Notice !
Customs duties and other import duties and taxes will be claimed if :
- Within the period stipulated, the goods or part of the goods are not re-exported from Indonesian Territory.
- Within period stipulated, the used of the goods deviates from purposes initially stated.
Customs Fast Release System (CFRS)
CFRS is a customs service system in the field of import in which is applied to the import of goods with a FOB value less than US$ 5,000.00 or other import goods which, based on Presidential Decree Number 3 year 1991, are exempted from the obligation to be inspected by a surveyor appointed by the government in the country or place the goods are being exported from.
What is the objective of CFRS ?
- To improve the flow of document s and goods.
- To reduce high economy costs.
- To secure government revenues.
What are the principles adhered by the CFRS ?
- Control of time required services is four working hours as of the receipt of PIUD by Customs and Excise officers in the document receiving section up to the determination of channel by the Customs Section Head.
- The fulfillment of system and work implementation quality conditions are performed regularly and continuously, both by the Customs and Excise in joint effort with relevant institutions and or business community.
- Application of risk Indicator (profile) in order to reach objective decisions.
- Easily comprehensible procedure.
- Minimized contact between user and provider of service.
- Service and control are open to society.
- Members of society can lodge an appeal if the do not agree with the decision on the classification of goods, import duty or value of goods.
What facilities are provided within CFRS ?
- Prenotification.
The importer of its authorized representative can submit PIUD (Import Declaration) for imported goods before their actual arrival.
- Periodic Payment.
Import duty and other import levies on goods imported within a certain period are collected in one single payment. There after goods that are imported by importers having obtained this facility are in principle not inspected physically.
- Inspection at the importer's warehouse.
Under certain conditions, physical inspection of goods can be conducted at the importer's warehouse.
- Selective Inspection Based on Risk Indicator and Intelligence Report.
Only certain goods are inspected, based on criteria set forth beforehand and on intelligence report. Accordingly, certain imported goods are not physically inspected (green channel stipulation). Meanwhile, goods that have been stipulated for physical inspection (red channel stipulation) are inspected randomly, 10% or 30% of the total goods, depending on risk level. Inspection is increased to 100% if consistency between document and physical goods is detected.
What condition have to fulfilled in order to obtain facilities ?
- Prenotification may be given upon the receipt/availability of Bill of Landing (B/L) or Airway Bill (AWB) for imported goods.
- Periodic payment may be effected if you are :]
- Producer importer.
- Have had a good reputation during the last twelve months.
- Have fulfilled custom obligation as well as tax-paying obligation in a proper and timely manner.
- Have submitted a bank guaranty, surety bond or a written guaranty.
- Inspection in importer's warehouse may be conducted if :
- You are a producer importer with a good reputation during the last twelve months and have fulfilled customs obligation as well as tax-paying obligation in a proper and timely manner, or
- A congestion has occurred in accordance with a written statement of the port authorities, and
- There is a force majeure, or
- The goods by the nature cannot be inspected at a temporary storage.
- Selective inspection based on risk indicator and intelligence report is generally valid.
How is the Import Implementation Procedure ?
FLOW CHART (will be complete in next update)
Submission of PIUD (Import Entry Form) and enclosures.
- Prepare seven (7) sets of PIUD (Entry Form).
- Prepare the following enclosure documents :
- Bill of Landing (B/L) or Airway Bill (AWB); and
- Invoice for goods purchase abroad or other evidence; and
- Packing list, so far for amount and type of goods are not clearly and completely specified in the invoice; and
- Insurance policy, if any; and
- Document concerning import restriction stipulation and or import duty exemption/reduction if required; and
- Power of attorney, if the importer itself is not in a position to complete goods customs clearance procedure; and
- Returned first page of PIUD (entry Form) if the PIUD being submitted has been revised/supplemented.
- Fill in PIUD (Entry Form) form is accordance with the preparing stipulations.
- Submit PIUD bundle at PIUD service counter.
- Take receipt on submitted PIUD (Entry Form) bundle.
Physical Inspection of Goods
- Present PIUD (Entry Form) receipt numbers (NOPEN) to Hangar Subsection officer for inspection of goods.
- Assist execution of goods inspection.
Payment of Import Duty and other Import Collections and taking goods out.
- Regular payment for PIUD (Entry Form) :
- Pay import duty and other import collections at bank after having received : 2nd and 7th page of PIUD (Notification on import and Utilization); or 2nd and 7th page together with Correction Note if correction have been made in the PIUD (Entry Form) from the Head of Hangar Subsection.
- Take out goods by :
- submitting 2nd page of PIUD (Entry Form); and
- submitting of Correction Note, if any, and
- submitting Delivery Order (DO), and
- submitting Duty and Tax Payment Receipt to the Head of Hangar Subsection.
- For PIUD (Entry Form) with periodic payment :
Submit delivery order (DO) to the Head of Hangar Subsection of Releasing Goods.
Kindly note that !
- If the frame of rendering quick and efficient services for a smoother flow of document and goods, the Customs and Excise apparatus expect open the honest attitude and action from the part of business community/importers.
- Evasion/concealment of goods from inspection and providing false declaration to Customs and Excise officers are violations which may be sanctioned in accordance with the prevailing regulations.