Highlights of Yogyakarta Art Festival (FKY) X
July 19 - August 10, 1998
Official opening ceremony was held in July 19, 1998 at kraton’s Pagelaran Hall. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, delivered his one hour cultural speech, citing the need of a true reformation in many aspects of life of this country. Credibility, must be proved by a proper action for the benefit of the society.
In this coming era of cultural reformation, we have to respect democracy, human rights, tolerance etc. Pancasila and Constitution 45 are the source and the platform of reformation spirit of our nation to build a just and prosperous society. Sri Sultan admits the role of the students and campus’ intellectuals as the movers of reformation, which backed letter on by the mass. The future leaders should be rational intellectuals admired by the people, we have to strengthen the unity of the nation
Panji Muda Tamtama Dance had been performed in front of the audience.
Art and market exhibitions have been organized several days before the official opening. Some artists collectively have donated some funds for charity. The money was from part of their works sold during exhibition.
Since July 24, 1998 to July 26, 1998 the gamelan music has been played in Kepatihan Hall, in the office of Yogyakarta special region, also in the other four regencies of Yogya.
The playing of gamelan should give a Javanese atmospheric feeling in the entire territory, thus the native should preserve the sacred and melodious gamelan as a valuable cultural heritage. The gamelan music should also be aired in many public places, shopping malls etc. So gamelan music is heard everywhere, in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Many parties, who are concern for the cultural preservation and development in Yogyakarta and those who work to promote Yogyakarta in other aspects, such as tourism, regreted the unproper time and condition which probably was one of the reasons why the FKY X performance has been conducted with lack of enthusiasm.
At closing ceremony in August 10, 1998, the Governor of Yogyakarta has reminded the next FKY XI should be better, followed by a parade of lampions around the kraton wall. Might be, the concellation of Gamelan International festival and the Parades of artists, have made the FKY X was not warmly welcome by the people.
In fact, the original program of the festival with activities in so many various fields of arts was very attractive. The activities of FKY X include:
Some committees must be given a thumb-up, such as: the film and film seminar, art-exhibition, literature etc. It must be acknowledged, considering the position of Yogyakarta as the heart of Javanese art and culture, the quality and the quantity of its artists and cultural experts, that Yogyakarta Art festival is a best chance to further develop Yogyakarta in the field of art creativity and tourism.
A program to socialize and promote this Art Festival locally and internationally must be launched effectively.
(Suryo S. Negoro)