![]() Institute of Javanologie This Institute, established in 1984, has goals to preserve Javanese culture through its researches, seminars & various activities such as performing cultural events etc. All its activities are aimed to benefit development of national culture. It organizes some courses for learning Javanese language, in depth training to prepare professional masters of ceremonies, all aspects of traditional wedding ceremony etc. It has plan to make a class of Java kuno (old Javanese) language. The meaning Of " Panunggalan" Panunggalan means unity. The foundation was named after the third King of Mataram Hindu Kingdom in the eight century A.D who was Sri Maharaja Rakai Panunggalan .
Several well known and qualified experts of art, culture, history, literature, are included in the list of its boards, strengthened by some public figures concerned with the development of culture. In the Board of Advisers among others : Pro. Dr. T. Jacoub -the ex Rector of Gajahmada University, Prince Puger, from Yogya royal family, ex Director General of Cultural Affairs of Indonesia, Ret. Army general Wiyogo, ex governor of Jakarta, Dr. S. Wonohito from Yogya daily Kedaulatan Rakyat. The Board of founders Mr. Karkono Kamajaya Partokusumo a noted cultural expert (as the chairman of the board)
The chairman is Dipl. Ing. Haryono Arumbinang MSC. A professor of Batan Nuclear Energy of Yogyakata , previously he was the Director of Batan. He is famous for his expertise of Keris. The Board of experts It consists of 35 super experts in specific fields : culture, literature, wayang shadow puppets, gamelan, keris, philosophy, archeology, tradition, dance, paintings, history, handicrafts, spiritual matters, psychic, Javanese prediction etc. It is a ritual traditional event by performing wayang puppets with the story of Murwakala, with purpose to live safely & happily, to avoid of becoming victims of Batara Kala, a bad son of god Guru. Ruwatan from the word ruwat means free of sins & mistakes.
There are about 25 categories of sukerta, among other :
Also people who has accidents when he is doing something & these accidents are considered dangerous, they are also Sukerta A.O :
Those above Sukerta people must be protected from Batara Kala by performing Ruwatan Murwakala. This Ruwatan performance is considered as very sacred, it must be prepared carefully. The Story of Murwakala In one beautiful afternoon, god Guru & his wife, goddess Uma riding his bull Andini encircling the world. The scenery was very beautiful, god Guru also saw that his wife was also very beautiful. At once, he wanted to make love with her. Despite her rejection that it was not a proper time & place to make love, Guru in the peak of sexual desire forced her. While he reached orgasm, goddess Uma pushed him, freed herself from his strong embrace which was full of lust. Thus, his sperms fell into the sea and became a big bad giant - Kala. So Kala was a mistaken product. Due to mistake, Kala, a son of gods, became an ogre giant who wished to eat only human flesh.
Then Guru wrote a mantra (magic spells) in Kala's body. He decided that people who could read this mantra, must be considered as Kala's father although he is a child. Kala has to respect him. As only a few people knew this mantra, victim of Kala was still a lot. Secretly Guru went down to the earth, in disguise as a Dalang (Wayang puppet master), his name was Ki Dalang Kandabuwana. Kala surrendered and he was instructed by Ki Dalang to live in the jungle of Krenda wahana . Kala agreed to never bother the Sukertas which have been adopted as Ki Dalang's children, those were Sukertas which have joined ruwatan Murwakala.
After Kala left, Ki Dalang instructed Bima or god Bayu to chase away all Kala's troops by using a broom with silver rope and a whip. At the end, the dalang should cut the hairs of the sukerta & bathe them with water & flowers. The lessons of Ruwatan Murwakala
Important things during Ruwatan
The address of Javanologi Institute is : (Suryo S. Negoro) |
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