The birth of the first Institute of the Arts of the country, in Yogyakarta was not merely a coincidence. Previously, the city had three famous Academies of Arts, namely:
Academy of Music. (AMI) - Est. – 1952 Academy of Dance (ASTI) - Est. – 1961
Yogyakarta as the cradle of Javanese Art and culture is just a right place for ISI. There are a lot of local artists, some of them are trained traditionally but are loaded with talent, become well-known charismatic artists. The leading position of Karaton Yogyakarta and Puro Pakualaman are very important for art and culture. The preservation and development of the position of Yogya as a metropolitan and International Tourist city should be used wisely to promote art and culture, among other also for the benefit of art institutions. ISI with its International Cultural contacts, plays a very important role to promote Indonesia’s good name and credibility. Many of the alumni of the above academies are artists with great name in the country or even have international reputation in their specific subjects such as: Painters : Nyoman Gunarsa, Widayat, Fajar Sidik, Aming Prayitno. Sculptors : Saptoto, Edy Sunarso, Kasman, Anusapati. Traditional Dancers : Ben Suharto, Th. Suharti, Trinardono, Mardjijo, Bambing, Hermien K, Inul, Hersapandi Contemporary : Miroto, Nyoman Sudewi, Setyastuti Musicians : FX. Soetopo, Amir Pasaribu, L. Manik, RAJ Soedjasmin. Gamelan Musicians : Trustho, I Wayan Senen, Djoko Waluyo. Theatre Artists : J.B. Wijaya, Agus Lelur, Sri Hardjanto, Trisusilowati Traditional Theatre artist : Kasidi Hadiprayitno, Suharyoso Crafts Artist : Suhadji, Narno, Tukiyo, Noor Sudiyati Printmakers : Herry Wibowo, Sun Ardi Photographers : Risman Marah, Parsuki. Some prominent artists of Yogya are from the above academies, to name a few are: Prof. Dr. Soedarsono, Bagong Kussudiarjo, Amri Yahya etc who have a long list of art contribution and accomplishment. In accordance with modern educational system, as an effort to further step-up the quality of art teaching, those 3 academies were merged in 1984 to be under one roof, namely ISI – The Indonesia Institute of the Arts. The Campus
The Rectorate Office The Post-Graduate Study (for Master Degree) The Auditorium, and main pendhapa (open Javanese court style hall) should be built prior the campus’ decoration with several artist works, art and curious shopping arcades for touristic purpose. Two former compact city campuses of ASRI at Gampingan and AMI at Suryodiningratan which are very famous and having a great name, will be used for other activities.
The Faculties At present, ISI has 3 faculties, namely:
Students : It has 2500 students Foreign students : averagely it has 25 foreign students from the U.S, Japan and Europe. They are interested in learning the Indonesian traditional art, mostly as non-degree program student. Traditional dance, karawitan music and batik craft are the most popular. Lecturers : 250 lecturers, mostly with master degrees, some are Ph. D. The graduate degree:
Laboratories : ISI has many laboratories for developing research and creativity in arts. Dance laboratories : Stage; lighting; sound system Orchestra Instruments and : many gamelan sets, from Java, Bali and Sumatra. appliances Wayang leather : several sets from Java, Bali. Puppets Wayang Golek : from West Java T.V. and Video : Professional recording appliances. Gallery of Arts : It is very important for ISI, as well as for other artists in Yogyakarta. It has just been inaugurated on July 23, 1998. In the gallery, there are permanent collections. The works of the students, lecturers and other artists. Consisting of some printings, sculptures, and graphics. From time to time the gallery could organize an exhibition of Arts, by ISI or non-ISI artists. It could be developed as an Art Promotion Center, as a challenge to maintain creativity in Arts. Research and Community Service ISI Yogyakarta academic staff maintain their professional skills by engaging in research and community service activities, within the framework of the Government Masterplan. Research topics are about various aspects to the Indonesian arts, or inventory process of the artworks. Faculty and student are also involved in counseling the community to meet the need of skill improvement from particular art-groups. These activities, worth millions of rupiahs yearly, are coordinated through the research and community service institutions. Meanwhile, collaborative programs have been successfully developed in organising exhibitions, concerts, performance, workshops and masterclasses conducted by visiting artists, or co-sponsoring lectures and research projects by visiting scholars under sponsorhip of foreign cultural agencies. The Rector of ISI Prof. Dr. I. Made Bandem Someone with logical mind, when encounters Prof. Bandem, sitting in his rectorate office, a middle aged man, with a dark "safari" costume usually dressed by high ranking official, could see at once this low profile and sympathetic man should be a natural born artist.The way he speaks, the way he expresses something, strongly indicate the reality. Who is He?
In the stage the calm youth could turn to be a Ksatria, warrior figure in Balinese gambuh, on a glamorous performance., a native of Bali, born in June 22, 1945. He was not satisfied only to be a born natural artist, he continued to study scientific Arts and Culture in a formal education. He received his Master of Arts degree in Dance Ethnology from UCLA in 1972. He earned his Ph. D in Ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University Connecticut, USA in 1980. As an artist, art director and scholar, he has travelled around the world and has published many articles and books on Balinese Art and Culture. One of his important books on Balinese Art and Culture is entitled "Balinese Dance in Transition: Kaja and Kelod", published by Oxford University Press, in 1981 and 1995. Bandem is a member of Indonesian House of Assembly in Jakarta. He is also the member of BPPN, the Consultative Council of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia. He was the director of ASTI, the Indonesian Dance Academy in Denpasar, Bali from 1981-1989. He has done extensive work in promoting this school and later this school has gained the status to be STSI, the Indonesian College of the Arts in Denpasar. Bandem became the Director until 1997. Bandem’s unique leadership style has brought up this college become a well-known art school, for creativity development, artistic excellence and scholastic ability in faculty and students. Presently, Bandem has elected to be the Rector of ISI, Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta. In 1992 Bandem has received "Adhi Karya Award", from the Minister of Tourism Post and Telecommunication of Republic of Indonesia, for the achivement in supporting the Tourism through the creative creation in Art. In 1994, he has received the International Music Council Award from UNESCO as a recognition of his achivement on preservation and development of traditional music. In 1995 he has also received "Dharma Kusuma", Performing Art Award" from the State Government of Bali for his achivement on Arts Creation and Performances. His succers in career is also supported by a happy private life with his wife, N.L.N. Swasthi Widjaja Bandem, also a dancer graduated from ASTI, Yogya in 1982, he got 3 children. Two girls are University graduates and the son is studying Art Management in Australia. In their leisure time, the happy couple is continuing their hobbies. The energetic Mr. Bandem is regularly playing at Badminton, while Mrs. Bandem is collector of ancient textile cloths. He is now taking a responsibility of ISI, Yogyakarta, a place with deep-rooted Javanese culture, and he is a Balinese. What is his program to develop ISI image? With a great confidence, Prof. DR. I Made Bandem, shall work hard in accordance with the principe of ‘continuity in changes’, vertically and horizontally in the world of art. The Governing Board of ISI are: Rector - Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem Vice Rector for Academic Affairs - Victorius Ganap, M. Mus. ED. Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs - Prof. Drs. S.P. Gustami S.U. Vice Rector for Student Affairs - Drs. Kasman K.S Dean Faculty of Performing Arts - I Wayan Senen SST, M. Hum Dean Faculty of Visual Arts - Drs. Sun Ardi, S.U. Dean Faculty of Recorded Multi Media - Drs. Risman Marah Foreign Student Officer - Mr. Aloysius Sigit Sudarmadi ISI Yogyakarta also delegates authority to the Senate, which defines Institute policy as a whole. The Senate, composed of professors, faculty members, and top administrative officers, determines the conditions for admission and granting of degree, authority and supervises courses and curricula and advises Institute administrators on budgets, faculty appointments and promotions. Such as policy is implemented through ISI Yogyakarta administration and its academic faculties. The Graduates The ISI graduates should become skillful and creative artists with a scholarly attitude and competency, who have a sense of responsibility, awareness and commitment in developing culture. Almost all ISI graduates work in accordance with their line of discipline. Some of them are working for various institutions and some become independent artists, in the home country or abroad. Registration for new students The academic year is based on two semester system: Odd Semester (Fall) from September to January (the following year) Even Semester (Spring) from February to July. Commencement of studies normally takes place in Odd Semester, however, a mid-year intake is possible for non-degree student. Application Procedures (for International Student) All foreign students need a permit in order to be allowed to study in Indonesia Requirements for applying:
Procedures to apply:
Visa extension will be endorsed according to the length of study at ISI Yogyakarta, which recommended by the rector. The exact cost of attending courses at ISI Yogyakarta will vary according to personal needs, but at the time of registration, overseas student must pay the tuition fee up to Rp. 2.000.000,- for one semester. Scholarship from Indonesian Government Applicants may take another procedure by applying for Dharmasiswa Scholarship, offered by the Indonesian Government for those who are interested in studying the Indonesian culture. Application form can be obtained from the Indonesian embassy in the applicant’s home country. Recipient of Dharmasiswa Scholarship will be facilitated to study in Indonesia for a year, however, applicants are advised to have additional financial sources prior to the admission. For Sarjana Degree (BA +) courses, applicants must have studied at ISI Yogyakarta for at least a year as non-degree student, and have a high level of achievement in specified subjects. Applicants must complete an application form in full, and sit for the entrance examination. It is only natural that applicants must have satisfactory Bahasa Indonesia proficiency level. For a complete information, the contact address is: (Suryo S. Negoro) |