The Noble Women

The piyayi sepuh (old wise persons) consist of not only wise men but also women. In Java, as well as in the other parts of Indonesia, men and women have same equal right. Since the ancient time, there are prominent women; queens, fighters of Independence, teachers, artists, scientists etc, last but not least: experts in Kejawen or Kebatinan. No doubt, they are precious assets to the country and to civilization. With deep respect, the writer would like to present some of these women - 'piyayi sepuh' to the esteemed readers.

Princess G.R.Ay. Brotodiningrat

I help by giving light to the needy

"I am grateful to God the Almighty that I am destined to have a very close spiritual relationship with my father, the late wise King Paku Buwono X of Surakarta, as well as with my ancestors of ancient Java. Many people have hand-phones to make easy contacts with others. I have also a "hand-phone" to contact my ancestors, of course in my own specific way", said the charming and dignified 85 year old Princess in her residence in Solo, Central Java.

"You ask me, how do I get my ability in Kejawen? "Ok, I'll tell you frankly", said Gusti Broto seriously. "I am confident that my beloved father had helped me a lot in my ability of spiritualism. One day he told me when I was a child: "Koesdinah (my original name), you look like Princess Pandanrukmi my beloved grand-mother, the daughter of King Paku Buwono VIII". I used to call her Mbah (grand-ma) Gabres. That's why, I also love you very much". My father, a king with dignity, respected by people, but at the same time he was also a social man, he was a populist king. He liked to help his people. During his tenure, the karaton (Royal Palace) was opened widely to common people. Of course, there were regulations, but the regulations did not prevent people to visit karaton. I had a lot of opportunities to mingle with villagers and commoners visiting the palace.

At the age of 6, as a small kid, I had begun to help people suffering from lighter sickness, such as having high body temperature, stomach-ache etc. I got the knowledge from (the spirit) of Eyang (grand-pa) Sunan Kalijogo (a famous muslim saint (wali) from the Kingdom of Demak in the 15th Century). Formally I was sent to learn at a Dutch Lagere School. In the karaton as a girl, I had to learn to get used of household matters. When I was a teenager, I had a divine call. I was fasting for 40 days and then for 3 consecutive night, I only ate a handful of rice and drank a cup of water.

After that I washed thoroughly my hair 7 times. Clean souly and physically, I made an audience to Gusti, God the Almighty. I burned incense, so angels knew that I wish to make an audience to Gusti. I worship Gusti and ask his protection as I always do. I understood that my wish was granted. Since that time I have an open mind (Tinarbuko), I see what ordinary people do not see. I began to help others. Once I told you, that I am not a paranormal. I am a 'Pandito' (Javanese priest). I help by giving light to the needy.

I got married in 1936, in a grandeurous royal wedding ceremony. From this marriage I got 6 children and I have 12 grandchildren and now I'm a great-grand-mother. Since 1962, I am a widow, I was relatively still young to take care by myself all my children. Although I am a Princess, I am used to live in simplicity. I do not complain, I feel close to God the Almighty and to my parents and ancestors.

Samadi and Kejawen
Samadi is a must in Kejawen practice. Sit properly, comfortably, then follow your breathing. You use your own power. You should enter the secret of life. You might go anywhere, you might see a lot of things. It depends entirely to your ability. The 4 elements of life are also very important the wind, water, fire and land. They should be entirely under your command. You could blow evil spirits by using fire coming out from yourself. These 4 elements should be used for the benefit of all living-being and the world.

The life itself is eternal, that's why re-incarnation is possible. It is true that someone who had been living centuries ago, at present lives again by the wish of Gusti. He/she could remember her/his previous life, when, where and what was her/his occupation. Who could be a wise person? Everybody could, including common people".

Many of my father' spiritual students were villagers, ordinary people, with the permit of Gusti, they become wise or clever persons spiritually. There is no discrimination whatsoever, in learning Kejawen spiritual teaching. Men, women, common people, courtiers, Indonesians, Westerners, they could learn Kejawen. It depends to their talents and divine call.

The change of time
"In the ancient period, Indonesia as a country did not exist yet. At that time only Java was known, followed later on by other islands. So, it is understood that Java has already a very old civilization. I see that beginning with the year of 2000, it would be a change of time. The 'crazy time' would end. The Indonesian nation would not tolerate dirty practices as occurred in the past anymore. Honesty would prevail, improvement would come and realized. I hope that a "Rejo Mulyo Toto", an orderly noble and prosperous society could be materialized soon in Indonesia, where small people could smile. There is no shortage of foodstuffs, clothes and housing. Our fertile country has abundant supplies. Order, peace, safety and happiness prevail. Indonesia would have a good reputation and highly respected by the world community. This should be the only determined hope, blessed by Gusti, God the Almighty"

Suryo S. Negoro