![]() The Labuhan Ceremony of Karaton Yogyakarta Labuhan is from the word Labuh, means to throw away into. The Labuhan ceremony of Karaton Yogyakarta is a ritual offering meant to preserve a long sacred relation between the Sultan of Yogya as the direct descendant of Panembahan Senopati – the first Ruler of the second Mataram Kingdom and the Goddess of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. There are other Labuhan ceremonies conducted by Karaton of Yogyakarta in the same day at other sacred places: Mt. Merapi, Mt. Lawu. The offering in Dlepih, about 30 Km south-east of Wonogiri is organized every 8 year in the Javanese year of Dal only. The Labuhan ritual by tradition is always held one day after the Sultan coronation or commemoration of Sultan’s coronation. The present Labuhan under Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X is held in the 30th of Javanese month of Rajab for the year 2000 in October 29th. Every year is organized Labuhan Alit (small Labuhan); the 8th year, Labuhan Ageng (great Labuhan) is held. The Labuhan Ceremony in Parangkusumo The offering in Parangkusumo to Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is considered as very important ritual for the Yogyakarta Karaton. She has promised to always protect Panembahan Senopati and his descendants and the Mataram Kingdom in time of difficulties. Upon the advice from his wise and spiritually powerful advisers, among other Ki Juru Mertani, Panembahan Senopati was meditating in Parangkusumo, on the beach of the South sea.
The link between the Kings of Mataram with Kanjeng Ratu Kidul strengthens the legitimacy of the Sultans. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is believed to have a powerful and loyal Patih (First Minister) by the name of Nyai Roro Kidul. So the offerings are sent to Kanjeng Ratu Kidul called Pengajeng (leader) and to the Patih, called Penderek (follower). In the morning the ceremony began under the court official (abdi dalem) in charge, accompanied by many court employees and a lot of people. The offerings are ready. The Jurukunci (gate-keeper) of Parangkusumo solemnly says: Please permit me, my lordly Ratu Kidul. I would like to present the Labuhan offerings for you from your Grandson, the Venerated Lordly Sultan Hamengku Buwono X of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Your grandson requests your blessing, his secured long life, his highly honored kingship, his secured country and people of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The complete set of offerings have been thoroughly prepared in the Karaton of Yogyakarta and brought by the assigned court employees to Parangkusumo. The Pengajeng offerings for Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, consist of:
The Penderek offerings for Nyai Roro Kidul, consist of:
After spelling some sacred mantras, the offerings are brought toward the sea-Segara Kidul. The situation is solemn and mystical. Slowly with full confidence, the court employees bravely walk deeper and deeper into the sea, ignoring the huge waves and strong ocean currents. All the offerings "taken up" immediately by the sea. They are floating, being played by the ocean waves. As the ritual is an open ceremony, on the shore, there are many onlookers not only local people but also travelers from other parts of the country as well as foreign tourists. Some of the offerings are brought back by the waves to the shore. Some try hard to have some parts of the offerings, believing these offered items have invisible power for safety, a good health, better life etc. The Labuhan Ceremony in Mt. Merapi Mt. Merapi is another important sacred place for the Karaton (palace) of Yogyakarta. the magical axis of Yogyakarta are: The South sea in the south, The Karaton of Yogyakarta in the middle and Mt. Merapi in the north. The spiritual rulers of Merapi have a strong traditional relation also to Panembahan Senopati, the first ruler of the second Mataram Kingdom. They promised to protect the safety of Mataram Kingdom and now to Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. To preserve the relation, Karaton Yogyakarta assigns a special employee as Jurukunci (gate keeper), stationed in the village of Kinahrejo, in the southern slope of the volcano. The present Jurukunci is the native of Kinahrejo, his name is mBah (grand-father) Maridjan. His sole loyalty is only to the Sultan of Yogyakarta. A day after the commemoration of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X coronation, the Sultan’s messengers brought the necessary offerings to the house of mBah Maridjan, his name as court employee is Mas Ngabehi Suraksohargo. The Ritual
The offerings are meant to honor Eyang Kanjeng Pangeran (The Lordly grand-father) Prince Sapujagad, a great respected leader of the founding-fathers of the second Mataram Kingdom. Prince Anom Suryongalam; Eyang Kyai Udononggo and Nyai Udononggo and Kyai Juru Taman. Their domains are in several places in Merapi, respectively in the places locally known as: Turgo, Plawangan, Wukir Rinenggo, nearby Selogajah and Gua Rekso.
The items of the offerings are almost similar with the ones in the South Sea, among other important things are: several motifs of "nyamping", cloths for lower garment, destar, headresses, waistbands, "sumekan", breastcloths of several designs, perfume, body lation, incense and fragrant incense etc, a complete set of horse saddle and shoes are also in the list of Labuhan. The morning cool fresh air of the mountain created more solemn and magical situation of the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, some items were distributed to the participants. The Labuhan Ceremony in Mt. Lawu The second Mataram dynasty is the descendant from Majapahit Empire, which in the 15th century had governed the territoty of the present Indonesia. Before the fall of Majapahit, the last ruler of the Empire, King Brawijaya V went to Mt. Lawu and lived as an ascetic, accompanied by his loyal servants, Sabdopalon and Nayagenggong. In his last day, it is believed he was ‘moksa’ (goes to eternity and the body also vanished). Since that time, the name of Sunan Lawu is famous (the King who lives in Lawu). The Sultans of Yogyakarta as the direct descendants of King Brawijaya are obliged to honor their ancestor in the form of Labuhan/offering in Mt. Lawu. The court employees of Yogyakarta Karaton (palace) as Sultan Hamengku Buwono X’s messengers went to village of Nano in the slope of Mt. Lawu, bringing the offering. They met the village Head, who is also the Jurukunci (gate-keeper) of pesanggrahan (retreat house) Nano. In the evening a "selamatan" / pray was held together with the villagers. Then begin seven hours procession to the peak of the mountain in a place called Argo Dalem. There is a tradition rule that the boxes contained the offerings must be brought by 8 villagers of Nano as they have a very close spiritual relationship with the ruler of Mt. Lawu. The offerings The are devided to two groups respectively called: The Kasepuhan (the leading elders) offerings, among other consists of:
The Penderek (followers) offerings, among other consists of:
besides the above offerings a complete set of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X’s dress were also offered in Argo Dalem. The ritual in Argo Dalem The Sultan Hamengku Buwono X’s messengers at 5 o’clock in the morning began the ritual in Argo Dalem. Solemnly, they give the offerings to Eyang (grand-father) Lawu. After the Labuhan ceremony, all the offerings were brought back to the house in Nano village, to be kept there for one year. Joglosemar Online is grateful to: Mr. Mulyono for the photos and Mr. Suryanto Sastroatmodjo for additional information. (Suryo S. Negoro) |
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