The Dalang's Activities

Nowadays, Ki Manteb, the charismatic dalang has a very tight schedule to perform wayang everywhere. His motto is :"There is no day without wayang performance".

Spectacular Performance

In 1987 and 1988m Ki Manteb was challenged to perform the story of Bima in 12 episodes, once a month, altogether for 12 months. He had to exposed the life of Bima since his birth, youth, all his heroic struggles, his spiritual conduct until his end of earth's life.
Bima was chosen as an honest figure, fighter of justice and is always ready to carry out his duties.
Ki Manteb's performance was impressive and successful, the lovers of wayang including top level people had organized several meetings in various universities to discuss Bima performance. The audience of the performance were pleased to watch the high skill of Ki Manteb. The show was vivid showing the well preparation of the dalang and his deep mystery of the essence of the story.
The one year Bima performance has sky-rocketed Ki Manteb's name as one of the best dalang in the country.

Manteb Fans Club (MFC)

The beloved dalang has already a great name - when he performs in convention hall in Jakarta, thousands of spectators attend it. After the show, a lot of people wish to shake hand with him praising his perfect play. There are fans club of movie stars, singers, sport clubs etc., but there was no fans club for a traditional artist!

In 1994, MFC was established in sanggar/atelier/ Bima in Karangpandang, followed by establishments of many branches in the country, even abroad such as in Germany. The MFC has helped RRI Surakarta (Radio Station of Surakarta) to finance the wayang performance by Ki Manteb for one year (twelve times, once a month). The prime goals of MFC are preserving wayang kulit performance as national asset, and increasing appreciation towards traditional art show especially wayang kulit performance.



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