Media KARATON SURAKARTA (MEKAS) is a monthly 'newsletter' published by Yayasan Pawiyatan Kabudayaan Karaton Surakarta – a Cultural foundation of Surakarta Palace chaired by Princess G.R.Ay. Dra. Koes Moertiyah. In the first issue of March 1, 1999, the editors wrote that MEKAS serves as a communication means between the Karaton/Palace and the society or more particularly it should be used for medium of communication among the royal families, the court employees and everyone who is concern of culture, science, religion and society.
The readers should find valuable articles concerning the activities of the Karaton, the art and cultural performances in the Palace as well as in Surakarta and spotlights of Javanese literature and traditional court ceremonies.
The Board of Management of MEKAS consists of prominent figures in Surakarta among other K.P. Eddy S. Wirabhumi S.H., Ir. R. Yuli Sulistyo Wibowo, The chief Editor is K.R.T. DR. H. Poerwohadiningrat, assisted by some experts of KARATON customs.
The annual subscription for 12 issues is Rps./ IDR. 24.000,- only plus delivery charges by Post Office.
Interested party may contact directly to MEKAS with address :
Kemandungan, Karaton surakarta 57114
Phone : 62.271.663313
Fax : 62.271.41243
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