The Jakarta Institute for the Arts

The Capital city of Jakarta with its unique position as the center for the meeting of Regional and Foreign cultures makes possible the creation of a wide-range variety of art forms.

The IKJ ‘s existence within the Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) prestigious art complex in the middle of Metropolitan Jakarta has a tremendous added value for the students, academic staffs as well as for the Institution itself. It stands on 1,8 hectares of land in the TIM beautifully arranged art center, IKJ has a number of buildings, facilities, studios, theatres, exhibition halls, library, workshops etc. Some IKJ’s alumni continue to achieve brilliant reputation and success in their careers as well-known artists.

The achievement of a high level of prestige in art education and the climate of openess at IKJ, open the door for the cooperation with domestic and international art institutions.

The Board of Management of the IKJ
Rector - Ir. Adhi Moersid IAI
Vice Rector I - Drs. Wagiono Sunarto
Vice Rector II - Bustal Nawani MBA
Vice Rector III - A Kasim Achmad
Dean of the Faculty of Film & Television - Hartanto
Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts - Sal Murgiyanto Ph. D.
Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts - Dolorosa Sinaga

The Faculties

  1. Film – TV. Faculty
    1. Department of Film
    2. Department of Television
    3. Department of Photography

  2. Performing Arts Faculty
    1. Department of Music
    2. Department of Theatre
    3. Department of Dance

  3. Fine Arts Faculty
    1. Department of Design
    2. Department of Fine Arts
    3. Department of Crafts

The Program of Study

There are 2 programs:

  • Degree Program (S1 = B.A+)
  • Diploma Program (D III and D IV )

The holders of S1 are professional artists who has theories ability to be researcher in arts.

The holders of D III & IV are professional artists with a high skill, ability and moderate knowledge in theories. The IKJ graduates have the ability to perform professional, justified and creative works in their field.

Extra Courses

For people from all levels of society and all age group, focussed in practical experience and skill accumulation.


At present, IKJ has 200 instructors and teachers, consisting of permanent and special lecturers. Since its birth in 1970, IKJ has graduated more than 300 people.


The Institute is quite busy with its art and cultural activities all the year around, including participation in workshops and seminars, performances, cultural missions, concerts, training, documentation, evaluations etc in the home country and abroad.

Some international institutions such as Aminef, Fullbright and Ford Foundation from the USA, Minerva Kunst Akademie, the Netherlands, Monash University of Australia are having cooperation with IKJ.

Some cultural foreign institution in Jakarta have also a very good and close contact with IKJ, among other: The Goethe Institute, the Japan Foundation, The British Council, the French Cultural Center etc.

Prestigious Artists

IKJ has some artists of high reputation in various art activities such as film & theatre, dance, music. They are well-known in the home country as well as internationally, among other are:

Tatiek Malyati W.S, Eroes Djarot, Soetomo G, Didi Petet W, Maria Darmaningsih, Yulianti Parani, Hildhawati S, Franky Raden, Bustal Nawawi, Farida Srihadi, Nungky Kusumastuti, W. Sunarto, Garin Nugroho, Sardono W. Kusumo etc.

Student Registration

The registration starts in mid May and mid July every year, with entrance examination held in August.

For the Film and Television & the Fine Arts faculties, a doctor certificate stating that applicant is not color blind is required.

For the Dance Department, the maximum age limit of applicant is 30 years of age.

Official Address

The address of
Institut Kesenian Jakarta / IKJ
Jakarta Institute for the Arts
Is :
Kompleks Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jalan Cikini Raya 73
Jakarta 10330, Indonesia
Phone and Fax : +62-21-324807

Suryo S. Negoro