ISKS King Pakoe Boewono XII, issue rules and orders (Paring Pranoto) in the Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat.

The 4 Main Parentah / authority under the King are:

  1. Parentah Kaputren
    Officer in charge: Princess K. Ratu Alit
    Responsible among other for:
    Court employees taking care of religious and ritual ceremonies, offerings, the bedaya ritual dance, women-singers, women security, health care etc.

  2. Parentah Karaton
    The Palace authority,
    Officer in charge : KRHT Condronagoro
    Deputy I    : KGPH Hangabehi
    Deputy II   : Drs. GPH. Dipokusumo
    Deputy III  : GPH. Puger

    It has 3 departments, namely:

    1. Marduyagnyo /HA II
      Officer in charge: -
      Dealing with general affairs:
      Relation with government offices, electricity, phone, water, cleaning service, healthcare etc.

    2. Sitoradyo /HA I
      Officer in charge: KRHT. Condronagoro
      Dealing with human recourses, awards, land, houses, medical doctors, delivery etc.

      The Sitoradyo / HA I has 3 divisions, namely:

      1. Kabupaten Kaparak and Mondrobudoyo
        Officer in charge: -
        Acting: RT. Surodirjo
        Responsible for royal guards, art, museum, library, Juru Suronoto-employees for Karaton rituals etc.

      2. Kabupaten Anom Sasonoprabu
        Officer in charge: GPH. Dipokusumo
        Responsible for among other:
        1. Palace Regalia and heirlooms supervision
        2. Palace maintenance,
        3. Ritual objects-the kitchen, the Buffalo Kyai Slamet
        4. All objects to preserve the royal dignity etc.

      3. Kabupaten Jurukunci Imogiri – Kutogede
        Officer in charge: KPH. Soeryonagoro
        Taking care of graveyards:
        Imogiri, Kotagede and other such as: Girilaya, Banyusumurup, Panitikan etc.

    3. Pantiwardaya /HA III
      Officer in charge: RMT. Cokrohadikusumo
      Dealing with financial matters:
      Payment, budget, pension funds, cashier etc.

  3. Sasonowilopo
    Officer in charge: -
    Royal secretary office, issuing letters and orders from the King.

  4. Kasentanan
    Officer in charge: GPH. Hadiprabowo
    Assistant: GPH. Poespohadikoesoemo
    Dealing with court families’ matters.
    The sons, daughter of the King and royal lineage. The issuance of royal certificate decision of family lineage.

    (Suryo S. Negoro)