The natural green garden with blossoming flowers where some birds are playing freely in the tall shadowy old trees, singing happily in this peaceful world. The palace main southern gate is widely opened to welcome dignitaries and official VIP's visitors. Today, Sunday, March 22, 1998, the Mangkunagaran court family of H.K.M.N. "SURYASUMIRAT" with the consent of His Highness K.G.P.A.A. Mangkoenagaro IX, invites its members to attend SILAHTURAHMI (a meeting or get together) to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood within this Royal families. Today is not an ordinary day, it's a special day, a meeting of reconciliation which has been for a long time expected. After all constraints and disputes eliminated, efforts of understanding and agreement bearing positive result, where peace and harmony prevail. The members of the organizing committee men and women wearing elegant Javanese dress-Mangkunagaran style, adroitly and smilingly welcome the honorable happy guests. All of them are seated in the large embellish Pendopo (open hall). The drink of warm black sweet coffee and warm strong sweet tea with various delicious snacks of Javanese specialities are served. At 10.00 am, His Highness K.G.PAA Mangkoenagoro IX, flanked by his family, the Princes and Princesses led by his adored aunt, Princess G.R.AY. Siti Nurul Kamaril Ngarasati Kusumawardhani Suryosuyarso come from the Ndalem (mansion). Sri Mangkoenagoro IX smilingly with dignity greets everyone in the Pendopo. The chairman of the HKMN "Suryasumirat" family, MR. Ir. Surarmo Suryasuyarso, clearly says in his speech that all obstacles in the family union have been abolished, now only unity remains. Then the audience are listening attentively to Sri Mangkoenagoro IX's speech. The speech is firm but touchy. With the spirit of unity and harmony, His Highness invites along all Mangkunagaran family to look forward for a brighter future. His heart-moving speech several times was approved by audience's long ovations, most of them try to hold back the tears' drop from eyes. Those present in Mangkunagaran Palace today and all Mangkunagaran families wherever they are, must be quite happy. The clear of mind, positive intention and the solution based upon the sacred doctrine of Mangkunagaran NEBU SAUYUN (a philosophical doctrine of Prince Sambernyawa-K.G.P.A.A. Mangkoenagoro I, lit. means: growing together like sugarcane, strong and useful. It is a call for the families, followers, comrade-in-arms, fellow-country-men to form a unity and integrity to be useful and stronger for the country) prevail. It goes without saying that Puro (Palace) Mangkunagaran plays a very important role to preserve art, culture and tradition in this country. A cultural elegant classical dances and Uyon-Uyon (gamelan symphony) have been performed to commemorate the unity. After lunch (with traditional menu a la Mangkunagaran), his highness KGPAA Mangkoenagoro IX flanked by his family, warmly shake hand with the audience, one by one, wishing all the best to work for a brighter future. (Suryo S. Negoro)
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