Higher Education of the Arts, Indonesia Surakarta. The history of STSI Surakarta can not be separated with the existence since July 15, 1964 of ASKI (Academy of Conservatory). At that time, Surakarta or Solo as the stronghold of Javanese Art and Culture need a formal education Academy to preserve traditional art.
In 1988, this noble idea and hard work have been granted by the birth of STSI Surakarta. The tasks of STSI now is consolidating its function and role to preserve, conserve and innovate traditional arts. The Programs of Study At present, STSI has 4 departments, namely:
Facilities To support its educational program and goals currently STSI Surakarta has the following facilities:
Gamelan : 10 sets of Javanese Gamelan slendro and Pelog special gamelan sets of Sekaten, Kodok Ngorek, Monggang and Corobalen. Musical instruments : West Java (Degung), West Sumatra, East Java (Banyuwangi) and Calun from Bamboo of Banyumas. STSI Surakarta has more than 200 lecturers, included 3 Ph.D, 26 M. A. and the rest are S1 graduates. Right from the very beginning, STSI considers the Empus (experts) of Karatons/Palaces of Solo and Yogyakarta as gurus in the related art and culture. It has this year 900 students and there are 20 foreign students from Europe, Japan and U.S.A. Art Participation
It holds international seminars and festivals regularly. It has sent art missions to many parts of the world: Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, America, and Africa. Some famous figures of STSI among other are: The Ketua (Chairmain) of STSI Surakarta since 1997 is: Dr. Rahayu Supanggah Assisted by 4 Assistants of Chairman (P.K): Registration of New Students At the Academic Administration Building, Kampus STSI Surakarta Joglosemar Online is grateful to Mr. Rustopo. S. Kar. M.A. for the interview (Suryo S. Negoro) |
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