![]() Wayang Topeng or Wayang Gedog
This wayang wong, human theater, with the topics of Jenggala Kingdom, where the players are wearing masks (Gedog comes from the word kedok = topeng, which is meant mask).
Wayang Golek or Wooden Puppet
Wooden puppet is performed almost the same way as the wayang kulit, but there is no screen in front of the puppeteer, and no banana trunk to stuck the wayang. In stead a 'Plangkan' (permanent wooden table with holes) to support the wooden puppets is used.
The name of Amir Hamzah in Java are several : Amir Ambyah, Wong Agung Menak, Jayengrana, etc. It was created in the 16th century in Kudus to help spread the teachings of Islam.
The more famous figures in wayang golek are : Umar Maya,Umar Madi, Lamdahur, etc. A book 'Serat Menak' was written by Kyai Yosodipuro I from Karaton Surakarta. Wayang Karucil or Klitik
It is another type of wooden puppets, it's a flat wooden puppets. The topics are taken from East Java kingdoms such as Jenggala, Kediri and Majapahit. Jenggala and Kediri with the stories of Raden Panji and Cindelaras, village youngsters with his fighting cock. While Darmawulan is a hero from Majapahit, a grass cutter of the chief minister's houses who could kill a dangerous enemy of Majapahit's queen, Minakjinggo. Later he married queen Kencana and Lady Anjasmara (the chief minister's daughter) and become king of Majapahit. This is a story full with battles and love affairs.
Wayang Beber
The dalang should unroll and stretch the screen with picture of wayang. Then the dalang should tell the story to the small audience. The story could be from Mahabharata and Ramayana epics or Jenggala Kingdom.
In the old days, in the court compound, wayang beber told with the gamelan music being played, but outside Karatons it was accompanied only by a rebab (a kind of violin).
Nowadays, only a few screen of wayang beber from the old time preserved. One is in Wonosari, Yogyakarta, another is in Mangkunagaran Museum, and the third is in Pacitan.
Publicly, wayang beber is not popular, the owner of wayang beber believed that its performance is needed for protection again evil things, epidemics, etc.
(Suryo S. Negoro)
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