![]() Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat under the leadership of Ng. S.D.I.S.Kg. Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has 5 main-departments to manage all karaton activities. Abdi Dalem/Court-employee It has many court-employees to cope with various engagements in the fields of ritual, tradition, art and culture, social etc. The court-employees (Abdi Dalem) are consist of courtiers / court-descendants and ordinary people who work for the Karaton. There are Abdi Dalem, permanent employees who have received letter of assignment from the Sultan and there are also Abdi Dalem Magang Intern / candidate employee for one year, before receiving letter of assignment. Besides, there are Abdi Dalem Norokaryo, in fact they are not court-employees. They work for the Karaton for certain purposes only. There are 2 kind of jobs in Karaton.
Their daily working hours is from 10.00 a.m. to 0.30 p.m. , except holidays All employees from category Punakawan and those who are outside the Karaton, in a certain time have to make audience to the Sultan, showing loyalty to Karatons leadership.
The foundations
Joglosemar Online is grateful to Drs. G.B.P.H. H. Yudhaningrat for the information. Suryo S. Negoro |
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